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  • 07774629997
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Kambaba Jasper

Kambaba Jasper Emm Egg

Kambaba Jasper

Also known as Kambaba Stone, Crocodile Stone or Green Stromatolite

Kambaba Jasper is sometimes confused with Nebula Stone or Malachite.

Geologically it is not actually a member of the Jasper family; it is a fossil which has a combination of other minerals which can (and often are) included in its make up. These minerals are often a combination of Quartz, Feldspar, Cristobalite and Albite in varying amounts.

Kambaba Jasper

Esoteric Correspondences

Chakras: Heart, Root

Element: Earth

Solar System: Earth

Issues/Intentions: Animal communication, anxious times, balance, calm, comfort, connection with Mother Earth, Earth work, empathy, grounding, inner peace, knowledge, meditation, new beginnings, nurturing, peace of mind, protection, relaxation, self discovery, stressful times, transformation.

Kambaba Jasper