Opalite is one of the man made crystals that some people have no time for, but this stone is considered as having some good and helpful properties.
Opalite is sometimes referred to as "Opalised Fluorite", "Purple Opal", or even "Tiffany Stone", all of which are natural and recognised in their own right; all comprise of Opal, but not Opalite.
Opalite items can be almost transparent, be milky coloured, or have either a bluey, or yellow tinge to them.
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo
Chakra: Crown, Brow, Throat
Element: Air
Solar System: Mercury
Issues/Intentions: Angelic connections, balance, calming, communications, energy blocks in chakras/median lines, inner strength, healing, meditation, moods, persistence, removing blocks & stagnant energies, spiritual & psychic connections/development, stressful times, transitions (emotional).