• 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders
  • 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders


This beautiful crystal comes in several colours, usually all mixed together, ranging from a lovely gentle pink, to a deep dusky pink with black in varying amounts. It can be a "comfort blanket"!

Esoteric Correspondences

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Virgo

Chakras: Crown, Brow, Throat

Element: Water

Solar System: Neptune, Venus

Celebration: Litha

Goddess: Isis, Justitia, Nut, Venus

Issues/Intentions: Anxious times, astral travel, calm, cleansing, communication, compassion, creativity, emotions, honesty, justice, low moods, objectivity, protection, psychic & spiritual development, relationships (bonding), release, self awareness, self expression, self work, serenity, stressful times, wisdom.





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