Tektite is a general term given to rocks/minerals which have formed as a result of meteorites hitting the Earth’s surface thousands of years ago. They are a type of glass but are very different to Obsidians which form as a result of volcanic lava hitting water. There are visual similarities between the two minerals although the Tektites tend to have a bit more of a "knobbly" pebble look and feel. The main way to distinguish between them (WHICH IS NOT RECOMMENED) would be to bring a sample of each to its boiling point. The Obsidian would have bubbles, foam and some other chemicals developing.
Moldavite is a Tektite which currently has only been found in the Czech Republic.
Esoteric Correspondences
Zodiac Sign: All
Chakra: All, especially releasing blockages in lower chakras
Elements: Earth, Storm
Solar System: Earth
Issues/Intentions: Anxious times, ascension, astral travel, calm, clarity, communication, courage, decisions, dream work, energetically link soul star & earth star chakras to help energy flow through all chakras & the aura, focus, gaining insights into situations & problems, grounding, inner peace, manifestation, meditation, motivation, negativity, new beginnings, psychic & spiritual development, synchronicity, self-confidence, self-discipline, self-discovery, stressful times, synchronicity, telepathy, transformation, trust, truth, will power.