• 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders
  • 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders
"B" Crystal Tumblestones

"B" Crystal Tumblestones

"B" Crystals will include the crystals who may belong to a specific crystal family but have a colour or pre-fix to the family name such as Black Obsidian or Blue Kyanite. This means they could be found in both "B" and "O" or "K".

Included here are usually in stock:

Black Obsidian

Black Tourmaline


Blue Apatite

Blue Tiger Eye

"B" Crystal Tumblestones