• 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders
  • 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders
Natural / Raw Crystals

Natural/ Raw Crystals

Here you will find most of our natural / raw crystals. Some will have been polished but basically still in their natural form.

Crystals form in different ways, even the same crystal type may be different and this is often the reason why there is a difference in their appearance. Black Tourmaline is a classic example of this; sometimes it has a "flakey" line appearance, others it could resemble a piece of coal. The difference being the place it grew in, some there was plenty of space, in others it would have been confined and growth stunted and therefore the compressed coal like appearance.

The colours within crystals and the crystal "family" is also very varied and this is because of the mix of minerals added to the basic compound.

Natural/Raw Crystals


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