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  • 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
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Tourmaline Quartz

Tourmaline Quartz Natural Pieces

Generally this is a combination of Black Tourmaline and Clear Quartz which have "grown up" together, however sometimes other forms of Tourmaline such as Watermelon or Red, can also be included.

Tourmaline Quartz

The combination of Black Tourmaline and Clear quartz brings together the qualities of both crystals enhancing both of their effects especially those those grounding properties of the tourmaline.

Black Tourmaline

Chakra: Protects all but especially useful for the Base Chakra

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Anniversary Year 8

Black Tourmaline is a very protective crystal, it is believed to be able to form a protective shield around the aura as well as being a good choice for grounding; this makes it a valuable crystal for healers to use both on themselves and their clients. In addition, it is believed to protect against electromagnetic smog and radiation. Black Tourmaline is also considered good for reducing tension, anxious times, negative thought patterns, and promoting a more positive attitude.

Clear Quartz

Zodiac signs: All signs

Anniversary Years: 3, 10 and 15

Chakras: All Chakras

Clear quartz is known as the Master Healer and can be used for any condition, although it is believed to be a good aid to concentration and decision making so would make a helpful study aid. Clear Quartz acts as a spiritual energy amplifier raising and strengthening your spiritual connection and attuning you to your spiritual purpose. It is therefore also a good crystal for holding during meditation.

Tourmaline Quartz Natural Pieces