• 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders
  • 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders

Wooden Celtic / Pagan Style Wand

Wooden Celtic/Pagan style wands

We are continually making natural wooden wands and there is quite a regular turnover, so if the one you are looking for is not here, then please come back or contact us. The one you are looking for may be in the pipeline!

All the pieces of wood are taken from "live" trees; in keeping with the traditional Celtic manner, the trees are blessed and permission asked before any branches are cut. An offering is also given. Most of the wood comes from our own land but some from the Bodmin Moor area, in Cornwall.

The wood does not come into contact with the ground at any time; it is allowed to dry naturally before the work on it is begun. The de-barking, sanding etc may take up to 6 months to complete - during the resting periods, it will enjoy the energy of 6 full moons and finally blessed with Reiki energy, before being ready to go to its new keeper.

Each of the wands comes an information sheet with some of the details of the type of wood and when it was cut from its parent tree.

Some, but not all of our wooden wands carry a small crystal associated with the tree, but they may have the Celtic symbol for that tree and its traditional colour. Each of the wands come with a felt bag again with the traditional colour for the wood.

The following woods are currently in the process of drying, but if you would like a personalised wand from one of these woods, please contact us and discuss your requirements:

Apple Alder Ash Beech Birch Blackthorn Cherry Elder Gorse Hawthorn Hazel Holly Ivy Oak Rowan Willow Yew

Wooden Celtic / Pagan Style Wands


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