• 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders
  • 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders

Black Obsidian Scrying Mirror - 10 cm

In stock
Delivery time: 4 day(s)


***BACK IN STOCK*** This Black Obsidian Scrying Mirror is approximately 10 cm across the diameter.

For some people, reading a scrying mirror is easier than a crystal ball?

Please note that the price quoted is for one mirror.

Black Obsidian

Often called “the Truth Stone”

Esoteric Correspondences

Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio

Chakra: Root

Element: Fire

Solar System: Pluto, Saturn

Celebration: Samhain

God/Goddess: Lugh, the Morrigan, Pele

Issues/Intentions: Acceptance (especially of that which is hard to accept), aggression, balance, clarity, distressing times, fear, grounding, manifestation, moving on, negativity, protection, release of emotional ties, release of “hidden” issues, spiritual development, transformation, worrisome times.