Hawthorn Wand
This lovely, lovingly hand crafted Hawthorn wand measures approx. 33 cm from its tip to the end of the handle and carries the Om sign for Hawthorn as well as the blue which is the colour associated with this wood.
The Hawthorn Wand (Crataegus oxyacantha)
Date harvested: 1st May 2017 (Beltane), Bodmin Moor area
Harvest method – Ritual with offering
Tree Calendar Period – 6th month of the Celtic Tree calendar which is 13th May to 9th June (Beth-Luis-Nion)
Sixth Consonant of the Ogham alphabet, Huathe H.
The Ogham symbol in Celtic reiki and represents the energy of cleansing and preparation.
Hawthorn Associations:
Colour – Midnight Blue and purple
Element – none associated
Planets – Mars and Venus
Birds – Blackbird and Owl
Crystal – Lapis lazuli and Blue Calcite
Hawthorn Properties:
Purification – cleanses heart of negativity
Protection from negativity
Love & sacred marriage
Health and happiness
The hawthorn fairy brings access to the “Otherworld” whilst protecting the unwary. Patience is needed with this fairy as she can bring enchantment, growth and fertility to all areas of one’s life; she also offers cleansing, fulfilment and guardianship. Keeping grounded and practical is considered as the best way to access her and her gifts.
Hawthorn wand is imbued with power and very useful when working with sun magic.
This wand has been “treated” with beeswax polish following debarking and sanding; it also has the following herbs inserted into the handle.
Mugwort – For strength, protection and cleansing
Vervain – for Protection and purification
Yarrow – for clearing negativity and easing fears