Ivy Wand
This lovely Ivy wand measures approximately 33 cm long with about 11.5 cm of that forming the handle. It carries the colour and the Ogham symbol for Ivy.
The Ivy Wand (Hedera Helix)
Date harvested: 13th October 2019 (Ivy Full Moon/Hunter/Orange Moon); Bodmin Moor area
Harvest method – Ritual with offering
Tree Calendar Period – The 11th month of the Celtic tree calendar – September 30th to October 27th (Beth-Luis-Nion)
11th consonant of the Ogham Alphabet (Gort. G)
Ivy Associations:
Colour – Indigo
Crystal – Opal
Element – Water
Deities – Ariadne, Artemis, Arianrhod
Gender – Feminine
Class - Chieftain
Planet – Moon, Saturn
Birds – Lark, swan, swallow
Ivy Properties:
Protects against negativity
Healing - antiseptic
The Druids consider Ivy as Sacred and as the feminine counterpart to the masculine Holly; when combined they offered great protection, balance and wisdom.
The ivy has the ability to bind all things together; it wanders freely linking tree to tree until it forms a dense thicket. Ivy represents the wandering of the soul in its search for enlightenment but carries a warning to be sure of the direction of your desires so as not to be ensnared by them.
This wand has been “treated” with beeswax polish following debarking and sanding; it also has the following herbs inserted into the handle:
Mugwort – For strength, protection and cleansing
Vervain – for Protection and purification
Yarrow – for clearing negativity and easing fears.