Scots Pine Wand
This lovely gentle Scots Pine Wand is approx 31 cm in length. It is very light and delicate to hold and also very tactile.
The Scots Pine Wand (Silver Fir, Pinus) (The Tree of Nativity)
Date harvested: 22nd December 2016; Bodmin Moor area
Harvest method – Ritual with offering
Tree Calendar Period – The King of the waxing year – December 21st – 22nd – the second day of the Winter Solstice – the start of a new year.
First vowel of the Ogham Alphabet (Ailm - A)
Scots Pine Associations:
Colour – Black
Crystal – Emerald
Element – Air and Fire
Deity – Ariadne, Rhea, Druantia, Merlin, and Pan
Gender – Masculine
Festival - Yule
Class - Shrub
Sabbat – Imbolc, Candlemass
Planet – Mars
Birds – Crow, Jackdaw, Raven
Folk name – Blume (dragon’s blood)
Scots Pine Properties:
Healing - antiseptic
Scots Pine is also burned for purifying ritual areas and divination.
The Scots Pine Fairy:
The pine fairy is an ancient one who may be solitary and melancholy, but has a healing presence and can banish negativity. The pine fairy has seen many things come and go and, particularly helps right a lack of confidence.
This wand has been “treated” with beeswax polish following debarking and sanding; it also has the following herbs inserted into the handle.
Mugwort – For strength, protection and cleansing
Vervain – for Protection and purification
Yarrow – for clearing negativity and easing fears