Self Workings Meditation Melts
There are times in our lives when we come to realise that we need to do some work on our inner selves, other than on self esteem or confidence. For whatever it is that is needed, these Self Working Meditation Melts have been made with the intention that they will help you work towards whatever it is that you are needing/wanting to do/deal with. You will need to go into the meditation with a clear and focused intention for your goal.
These lovely melts have been made using soy wax blended with Pine essential oil and have a mixture of Angelite, Clear Quartz and Red Aventurine included within the wax.
There are enough segments in each pack for you to break off one for five meditations.
There is one crystal in each of the 5 sections although the combination within each pack varies.
When you have finished the meditation and the wax has cooled, you may like to clean the crystal and hold it in your hand for the next meditation.
These melts are not highly scented and therefore not intended as room scents.