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  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders
  • 07774629997
  • holisticmeasures@yahoo.co.uk
  • Prices include 2nd Class Delivery For UK Orders

Willow Wand

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This beautifully hand crafted Willow Wand which measures approx. 31.5 cm in length with the handle being approx. 11 cm.

It was harvested on 26th April 2017 which is the Willow New Moon

The Willow Wand (Salix Alba)

(The Tree of Enchantment, The Tree of Witcheries)

Date harvested: 26th April 2017 (Willow New Moon); Bodmin Moor area

Harvest method – Ritual with offering

Tree Calendar Period – 5th month of the Celtic Tree calendar which is April 15th to May 12th (Beth-Luis-Nion)

The fifth consonant of the Ogham alphabet (Saille S)

Willow Associations

Colour - Silver

Element - Water

Planet - Moon

Birds - Hawk, Snowy Owl

Sabbat - Beltane

Gender - Feminine

Stone - Moonstone

Willow Properties










The Willow Fairy can be grumpy, tricky and not always kind! However, has an enormous amount of wisdom and for those who treat her with respect can also be a great teacher to those who are willing to be still and listen carefully.

The elemental tree of the Moon and hence used in ceremonies connected with the Moon and Lunar magic.

This wand has been “treated” with beeswax polish following debarking and sanding; it has had the following herbs inserted into the handle:

Mugwort – for strength, protection and cleansing

Vervain – for protection and purification

Yarrow – for clearing negativity and easing fears